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Yes son; this heavenly drawing is what more approaches my divine free will; therefore exsisting the so much relativity in the matter as in the spirit, my divine free will is in them; therefore I am everywhere; I am infinitely expandable and at the same time contractible; I am everywhere and in it more microscopic; in the human evolution it more microscopic, are its own ideas; these are left feeling but themselves they are not left to see; I am also in them; I am in the same relativity of them; and I am in their free wills; I am in the 318 living virtues of the human spirit; I am up and down; I am in the matter and in the spirit; I am in the life and in the death; I am in the all on the all; I am in it thought and the unexpected thing; in it imagined and it inimagined; my divine escence is divine fire; a fire of the one that to left all the universe; the universe is a microscopic variation of my divine fire; all you have my divine inheritance; all possess temperature; possess electricity in your bodies; the creatures and the planets; nothing it is necessary have not indications of fire; the suns and the microbes; all the thinking expansive universe; and thus will be for every eternity; the living eternity also it is fire; that possesses unheard-of vibrations for the human understanding; the fire possesses also hierarchy; degrees of purity; just as the individualities that are also of fire; and every spirit Shines like the fire of a ruby; Shines as a microscopic sun; all they are electric; being the meat the exterior wrapping of the radiant source; the meat is also fire; is living and abstract product of the solar fire; upon saying abstract I mean passenger; therefore the meat accompanies to the spirit only for the trip to the life; is an alliance, in which they go next to winning experiences to the life of the planets; both do it with knowledge of cause; both promise in the Kingdom of Heaven, to comply with the divine Commandments; both belong to the living universe; both test one of the infinities you form of life that there is in the universe; whose number never they will be able to calculate it the creatures; only the eternal Father knows it; the matter that surrounds the man, he is not neither he will be the unique one; each world formed is of different matter; their Salt is another; salt signifies The exit that had of such or which solar philosophy; departure signifies spirituality in galactic trip; the human body is again what before had been; escence magnetic of the same universe; the magnetism is the same matter; both are of the eternal fire; the human life feels pain and happiness; both are also magnetism; and all its virtues are it; are forces of the nature; you enclosed momentarily in a body; untidy the body, all the virtues Seek their own infinite; of where they were; before to have united to the spirit; as well as the suns join with the worlds, thus also the virtues themselves they join with a spirit; the upper thing is equal to it of down; the spirits are microscopic suns; possess Shine in its relative proportion; are acquaintances in the Kingdom of Heaven, like spirits-suns; suns that are beginning; are still so microscopic, that neither their owners see its own shine; the human spirit is formed according to its own intentions; but advances according to the Commandments, remains as backward spirit; with regard to the time that lives in the universe; living time that began in the same suns; therefore of there left; the greater fire left; and will be again he also, a Brilliant sun of wisdom; will be again the same inheritance that was given him; this teaches that all the universe is an infinite hierarchy; and all itself it measures with the knowledge reached by each one; this infinite hierarchy, is so infinite, that not all they are known; a world with a marvelous science is finished, and that world disappears of the space without to be known by the remainder; and are colossal worlds; that by its sizes would fill of fear to the human creature; therefore a molecule of those worlds, is infinitely more large than the Earth; thus equal the Earth that you inhabit, is a stranger of the infinite; and more still: you do not they give neither the minimum importance; these creatures know that you are a planet - dust; just as they were it; many suns before; were boys and humble, to come to be large in the Kingdom of Heaven; is the call galactic indifference; where the most amazing creatures they are confused and living philosophies; where the impossible thing exsist in infinite degree; they are worlds that have the open skies; and they communicate among them; just as was at the beginning the Earth; just as was in the paradise that knew Adam and Eve; the first human couple; there the silver ships arrived; the ones that you call flying saucers; in these worlds, they possess other more evolved concepts; they to stopped being creatures of meat, does already many suns behind; not exsist in them the ambition; own of the creatures of the meat; neither they possess the sentimentalism; therefore already they passed because of it; that is why they understand to the remainder of the creatures of the space; they are indifferent and loving; they do not possess the human temperature; do not possess interests; are common in its laws; they do not know the death; but they passed for her; when were creatures of meat; know it; and they know that is a transformation that suffer the spirits; for they the spirits are suns of the microcosm; are suns that in the future eternity, they will be like they; are creatures that have born greater number of times that the human creature; therefore are infinitely more old; therefore the creation of the divine Father does not have principle neither has end; more, each son has principle and a destiny; inside the principle that is the Father, are the relative principles of worlds and creatures; all The principles try to reach the principle of the Father; since the same instant in which the divine Father said: It is done the light, and the light was done; was one of the infinite times that told him; always pronounces divine words when orders the solar skylights to be expanded and to create; the solar creation is the great revelation for the world; she explains the origin of all the things; so much of the matter as of the spirit; he explains the origin of the living universe of the divine Father; he is the alpha and the omega of every knowledge; therefore everything that is known, the same universe left; left for mandate of the Kingdom of Heaven; that at the same time you left of the same principle that the Earth left and their creatures; the upper thing is equal to it of down; my divine free will to past what you recently are passing and what happen; I was what you are and they will be; and I was it in a degree such, as your own mind can imagine it; everything that you feel felt it the Father; by something was taught that your Creator is infinite; an infinite that not an they exsistence suffices to understand it; that is why was writing; one must be born again to see the kingdom of God; every number carries my divine creative inheritance; not only the earthly number; but all the numbers of all the worlds; of the ones that had there is and they will have; every number is living; every number accompanies to an individuality-sun; accompanies to a mind; every number is expansive; every number left the Father and he returns the Father; every number upon being joining with a mind, he asks new destiny; every number possesses free will; just as possesses it the spirit; every number chooses freely its number destiny; every number is a microscopic Creator of numerical universes; every number is number philosophy; every number is creator of spirits; every number is matter and spirit; every number possesses number hierarchy; every number knows its Creator; every number possesses solar innocence; every number possesses its Little Lamb of God; every number judge; every number possesses divine Stick; every number left the trinity number; every number you grasped to living every creation in the Kingdom of Heaven; every number reincarnates; every number possesses its judgment end; every number passes tests in the earthly life; every number has its divine Commandments; every number possesses its sacred scriptures; every number is relative; every number has inheritance; every number directs a to think; every number knows the formation of the meat; earthly every number knows and distinguishes the Well and evil; every number is part of the all on the all; every number is up and down; every number possesses virtue; human every number possesses 318 virtues; every number participates in final judgments; every number possesses feelings; every number possesses humility and repentance; every number is revolutionary; every science makes use of them; every number creates sciences; every number is mundane and spiritual; calculation galaxies form every number; every number uses the divine Stick in its actions; every number possesses sensibility; every number participates in the judgement of every spirit; they calculated the by and ideas of an incarnate spirit; every number is a judge that expects mandates; every number possesses their own kingdoms of heaven; possesses their own reign philosophical; every virtue also possesses their own kingdom; the Kingdom of Heaven is infinite; the skies do not have limits; neither they will have it never; the Kingdom of Heaven is the macrocosm in their maximum expression; all the beings while think, they are creating germs of skies; each virtue that is inside the to think, possesses its sky; each idea emanated possesses its sky; the divine Father possesses the infinite numbering; this infinite numbering is only a microscopic part of their divine free will; possesses other infinite calculations; that by its eternity, they stop being numerals; are solar calculations; are calculations that correspond to unknown intelligences by the remainder of the universe; are the divine lambs-solar; that possess the same one to be able of the Creator; is the divine Trinity in the Trinity; is the primogeniture in the Trinity of the Father; there is not to be able living that surpass to the divine Lamb of God; is the same divine innocence of the divine Father Jehovah; the divine Little Lamb multiplies in unknown number for the remainder of the universe; neither all the intelligences join you will be able to calculate the divine vibration in which unfolds the Lamb of God; neither never it will occur; the expansion of the universe is product of the inheritance of the Father; exsist the universe because he wants that exsist; he wants that all they be like he; that knowing the laws of evolution by evolution, they come they be as is the Father: Maker of colossal worlds; nor those microscopic worlds; in which his creatures are; but, in so great whose worlds not flock of goats one of them, in all the known universe; worlds that of to be visited by the human creatures, they would fill them of fear; because his inhabitants would not see them; and if them to see, they would not pay attention them; would be the same indifference that the human feels for a little ant; more still; those creatures would be able put them the feet; that is to say they would be able to step them; and neither they would be given neither counts that they killed creatures come since a very remote system of life; come from a planet-dust called Earth; this to happened and still happens; are other planetary histories; and they come themselves being happened since before that to be born your planet-dust; the numbers happen themselves the same as the worlds; in the Kingdom of Heaven of the numbers, exsist the calculating philosophy; a philosophy as old as the same universe; their divine inheritance is in all; there is not who have not measures; all possess calculation number; creatures and worlds; the upper thing and it of down; the macrocosm and the microcosm; the visible thing and the invisible thing; the light and the dark; the microbe and the suns; to the divine Creator makes use of number calculations; being he the creator of the same, does divine alliances with the living numbers; does not knock down its free wills; as he would not like that they knocked down him his; is therefore that was writing: Not do to other, what you would not like that they did you do; refers this warning to the free will of each one; the living free wills accuse in the Kingdom of Heaven; they accuse when they have been knocked down; being in the dwelling of the divine Father, all the comes them memory of its experiences; and are the first in to be listened by the divine Father; the free one discretion is the innocence that tests a determined philosophy; before leaving the Kingdom of Heaven, every free will promises to respect to the other free wills; and all they are promised mutual respect; many parables consider object to teach the free will; and every teaching of my sacred scriptures, were facts with a psychology of test; that is still in the same interpretation of my mandates; there is therefore you test in the intelligentsia and tests in the everyday life; tests in the spirit and tests in the meat; visible tests and invisible tests; all to think human has a constant one of difficulty; still in the earthly happiness; therefore the happiness is also tested; being the most common lack of the happiness, the little gratitude to the Creator of living every happiness; the oversight to which gave him the happiness; to which gave him the puff of life; to which gave him a destiny; of this is deduced that human every happiness, finishes inevitably in a to cry and creak of teeth; the earthly happiness nor dá the eternity; is a mundane prize; of the one that account should be yielded; as will be yielded account of each act carried out in the life; therefore each act of your mind, asked also to be tested in the life; nobody is less before the Father; neither the most microscopic act; all is living in the Kingdom of Heaven; all is life; a life that you are far from understanding; because was put you a momentary oversight to yours passed; more, you do that this oversight be deeper; by your own earthly comfort; was left you some sacred scriptures and them do not deepen; are cash the sons that seek; the one that seeks finds; my divine word says; I have permitted that the writings arrive to your calls modern times; I have permitted that have them by hand; and still incredulous humanity persist in a voluntary ignorance; my divine son solar Christ gave the life by explaining you in which this eternal life consisted; that is outside of the Earth; a lot of you would have taught my divine son; but him you slew; you truncate your own eternities; more is worth a creature that itself have not stained the hands with innocent blood; that a, that yes was stained them with sinful blood; and even so, nobody should be stained the hands with blood; because my divine Commandment orders not to kill; the first interpretation does not correspond for this world; is of a more evolved world that the Earth; but that still is inside the imperfection; is only an example for the human knowledge; my divine Ball of purifying Fire possesses all the numerical powers that your mind can imagine; my divine fire that all devastates is it as your microscopic mind; that well you know is a Whitish fire that many sons investigators call Mental Match; and could not be otherwise; therefore all I have created it; and all carries my divine inheritance; the upper thing is equal to it of down; in its principles rising; the suns are living mental fires; as your mind is it; they possess free will and individuality like you possess it; the upper thing is equal to it of down; they also comply laws; they give light to the worlds; among others infinite obligations; and receive orders of the Kingdom of Heaven; they float in the space as float you in your microscopic planet; what happens in the distant suns, we will write it in future Plans; is a divine history that does not have end; therefore upon beginning to count the history lived by a sun, there would be that to begin when was a sun-baby; that is to say spirit-sun; beginning for its first births or reincarnations; is the same thing; in its first initial steps; when began being a microbe in a distant world; a world that by its antiquity, no longer is in the space; therefore to the worlds they possess old age; and they die; just as the creatures; the upper thing is equal to it of down; the suns have always exercised a fascination in the creatures of the planets; is confused them with the own Creator; this has given place more than another thing, to the birth of the material adoration; an adoration that had their epochs of glory; were laws that were orders by the spirits of the antiquity; caused saw them itself the delay that this brought; but they insisted; they insisted on knowing the unknown thing; they insisted on the cause of its causes; in the cause of its own destinies; and all was granted them; to ask in the Kingdom of Heaven, has eternal meaning for the one that asks; to ask there, is to ask to know new lives; new worlds; new philosophies; new skies; new laws; it is in other words to be born again to be approached more to the kingdom of God; this signifies that the skies are relative; and its creatures that inhabit them they know it; and they desire to conquer higher Hierarchies of skies; know these creatures, that the higher than exsiste in the universe, is the dwelling of the divine Father; and they know that to approach he, only is achieved for the wisdom, by the knowledge; by the work; and not exsist another law for it; all it others is own vanity of the tests and of its imperfections; all it others is momentary illusion; ephemeral; belongs to the worlds; and him is called mundane; therefore enjoys it, while is in a planet; terrestrial every glory passes to the oversight; only the divine doctrines are immortal; they cause they change the course of the same evolution; all the planets receive the visit of the divinity; therefore the divinity is responsible for its creations; my divine First-born Son was and is a solar father; should not be confused this term with the Father Jehovah; everywhere there are parents of its own inheritances; thus in the Earth are the earthly parents; that are not confused with the eternal Father; the upper thing is equal to it of down; the divine Father is infinite; and the parents of the finite Earth; every father possesses its philosophy; is like to say that earthly every father has its own one to think; be which be its to think, not to stops being a father; this means that each creature is responsible for an inheritance; he is responsible for a reincarnation; therefore upon contracting marriage, is responsible for doing a single meat; this divine Revelation will tremble to the Great world where the largest immoralities are seen; where by a handful of gold, they trample the divine law of the marriage; ¡poor of you, scandalous of the love! Poor of those and those, that by simple whim they tested meat! ¡More it would be worth you not to have born; none of you devils of the scandal, you will enter to the Kingdom of Heaven; will curse you each other; will curse to have known; of you is the to cry and to creak of teeth; nobody sent you to scandalize; free will had; divine Father ¿What punishment expects to the scandalous of the love? I will tell it you son; they will have to pay second by second in the time that the scandal lasted; more the time of misfortune caused in its sons; this time extends for its influence, to the third generation; therefore rich of the art you will not be able to carry the Little Lamb Silver; symbol of the innocence; symbol of the humility spiritual; truly I tell you that no scandalous one will carry it; therefore no scandalous one will be resurrected boy of twelve years; the year 2001; the one that the pay does it; ¿How my humble sons that are exploited for the human ambition, they do not fall in these violations? You that you have large fortunes and boast of it, will not have it desired eternity; to the dust will continue; ¡how will curse the damned money! thus asked it in the Kingdom of Heaven; and thus was granted you; free will had in the order; thus as in all the human orders; nobody complain; he was given you the life so that you win in morality; and not in immorality; by this he was given you the divine Commandments; divine mandates for all; therefore all asked to test the human life; here there is not exception; as in the law of the death, all they should comply; between the destinies of each one and the divine Commandments, is the Alpha and the Omega of every destiny; the human life was chosen in free will for all you; nobody came obliged to know this class of life; all you were illustrated in the Kingdom of Heaven; all you saw yours own future difficulties; and all promised to comply it to the last sigh; to the oversight of the past, was approved by your free wills; therefore the final judgment is part also of your recognition; you entered in divine alliance with the divine cherubs of final judgments; are the same divine creatures that will resurrect you in new meat; a meat that is not for engenderment; is a meat exit of the solar magnetism; a meat that has divine alliance with the eternity, immortal meat; meat that corresponds to the second birth; to the second time; and to the second sky; my divine son solar Christ told him: I am the life and I am the death; meant: I can replace your mortal meat in immortal meat; because all he left me; what is of my Father, he is also of the son; my divine Father is in me and I in it; my Father and I, we form a single meat; an only spirit; an only living mandate; my Father and I, we form the thinking communism of the supreme Trinity; all that and something more, he meant My divine son in that immortal parable; immortal in the past; and immortal in the present and the future; therefore the divine writings, they acquire a new dimension in the human knowledge; with the Science of the Lamb of God, closes the last chapter in this microscopic planet called Earth; my divine son, also wanted to announce you this; when he said: I am the Alpha and the omega; the principle and the end; meant: Every truth I begin it with doctrine, and I finish it with doctrine; therefore every doctrine is living word, exit of my divine Father; a living God; by something my divine Father said: It is done the light and the light was done; also living words; by them were born the living universes; and you are one of those living essences; yes sons of the Earth; many things he wanted my divine solar son to tell you; more, you him you slew; I do not blame you; but to your parents that were before that you; the fault falls in who they plotted his death; and not in any race; he is the divine one Father who judge; and not the men; that neither they comply with honesty, neither its own earthly justice; passing justice; fact with demonic calculation; therefore to my humble sons, do not they take them into account; therefore do not they possess sufficient money; of such justice will not remain stone on stone of his building; that is to say will not remain any inheritance of her; my divine purifying fire is in all; therefore you possess innocence; yours to owe in the life, was to have maintained undamaged such innocence; be which man be the doctrine that you chose for destiny; to conserve this innocence in the middle of the temptations of the life, is the supreme goal of your spirit; thus promised it in the Kingdom of Heaven; all yours to think is weighed in the divine justice; no thought of the ones that had in the life, remains out of this divine justice; thus asked it also; and also you asked, that a part of the divine justice, was done in the same Earth; is for that, that many are punished alone; award others alone; are pending prizes of the past; not what is given in a exsistence, is given in another; if is not punished a lack or is not paid a debt in such they exsistence, the law complies in the other; that is the only reason of the infinite variety of destinies that is seen in the Earth; always to been thus; since the principle of the world; even Adam and Eve also they complied this law; they had many laws of pending destiny; the fall in disobedience on the part of them, was not the first one; neither will be the last one; is all a galactic record; that now for the first time will know it the world; only I brought to light of Adam and Eve, what agreed to know about them; should not be forgot that the philosophy of the Earth is philosophy of test; him is not given to know it all; if knew it all in the time of test, this philosophy requested by the human spirits, would be devaluated; there are many humans who they criticize as the divine Father did the things; and even they are revealed; are ignorant spirits; attached to a present and its comforts; want mold the universe, to their whims; not these spirits about the ignorance know, that so that they are living, unheard-of facts occurred; that there was a colossal sacrifice on behalf of the living virtues; that moved and still continues being moved the universe; not these badly grateful and ignorant spirits know, that as well as they exsist human mothers, they exsist equal mothers solar creators of spirits; the upper thing is equal to it of down; when they know it and they see it, they were struck the chest in the middle of a to cry and to creak of teeth; all it created had a principle; and every principle costs; nothing is easy in the universe; there are labors of life in the heaven and labors of life in the Earth; so much up as down; the law of the creation is universal; for all is equal; the varieties of destinies, is created them each which; conscience has of it; in the trip of return to the true life, that is the eternal one, every spirit see with amazement and shame, that beyond the human life, exsist an amazing activity; an activity that is between world and world; between sun and sun; and if is a spirit illustrated see and understands touched the mission of my divine First-born Son; there understands its divine message, whose doctrine referred, to what its eyes spirituals are seeing; the eternity taught and announced by my divine son, is shown equally to all; believing or not believing; the spirit does the trip of return by the same road that employed, when reincarnated in a human Baby; equal thing occurs with the first spirits; with the spirits that asked to test living philosophy in other families; and that you call animals; therefore I should I tell you that many of them were human creatures in distant worlds; more, they did not know the philosophy that are living; by virtue of its free wills, they asked and was granted them; of all there is in the flock of the Mister; and that all does not have limits; nothing is impossible for the Creator of your lives; as well as created you  to you, thus created before that you, the thinking expansive universe; to deny its divine one they exsistence, is to be denied thus same ._



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