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DIVINE PARABLES; TRANSLATED BY TELEPATHY LIVING; DICTATED BY THE DIVINE FATHER JEHOVAH; THE LATTER DOCTRINE THAT WILL RECEIVE THE PLANET EARTH; BORN IN NEW SCIENCE AND NEW WORLD ._                                                                                                                                                                Nº 4


And the Land was disorderly and empty; and the dark they were on the face of the abyss; and the spirit of God moved on the face of the water: signified that there being disorder, arrives at an order; the free will of the spirit and the matter, they are initiated with disorder, therefore they are born in innocence and lacking of science; this disorder was dark with tendency to the order of the light; were gases they come from the Alpha suns and Omega; those ancient elements, are the same that you see in the nature Land; nothing is born with wisdom; all is initiated with ignorance; is a universal right of the matter and the spirit; these gases by their dark color and in infinite shades, they gave the impression of a colossal abyss; is the same principle of a puddle of water; they are born in it, smells and gases; it upper it is equal to it of down; these gases suffered an infinite transformation; by effect of the magnetism of the suns; I speak of an epoch in which did not be born still the sun that lights you; were the open skies; scenes never views by human eyes, they occurred in every instant; beings of remote worlds, they travelled with every naturalness; just as travel you; the upper thing is equal to it of down; to measure that elapsed the time, the gases were transforming into gases of colors; of its molecules new maturity arose; a process that still occurs in your world; when I mature the fruit that serves you of food you are witnessing the development of your planet; the maturity and development of as much as exsist, is performed for microscopic dimensions; that does not reach to perceive your human eye; this form of being declared the matter, not it is the unique one; if they exsist the worlds as the grains of sand of a desert, equal thing occurs with her respective principles; do not forget that the matter has the right like you have her; nobody is less before the divine Father; you have individuality; the equal matter; inside her own laws; just as you enjoy yours; in the future knowledge and immediate, the humanity only will have an only universe; the living universe of the Father Jehovah; or thinking expansive universe; in this universe are all the ones that the mind can imagine; he suffices to think a universal theory, and that theory in the shape of idea, it gives place to worlds, universes and galaxies; in a degree such, that escapes to the same calculation of the author of the idea; that without being given account, he is filling the space again future worlds; this occurs since the same one instant in which every creature begins to think; and hard to the last sigh of life; is the galactic crop; writing was that each one is done its own sky; beginning for the ideas ._






























Yes little son; this heavenly drawing shows as was the primitive gas of the Land; every matter is initiated for microscopic densities; passes for infinite states of boiling; the gas of the drawing is expanded; the principle of the Earth was like a microbe that was expanding through the time; grew as develops a seed; that being girl comes he be large; the colossal thing has the same one Principle that the microscopic thing; the upper thing is equal to it of down; all as much as surrounds you, was microbe; not only your world; but, that all the universe; this was writing in my divine Scriptures: One must be humble to be large in the heaven; so much for the matter, as for the spirit; the faith human only is taken into account she; forgets that the universe is living; that the matter has the same rights to that has the spirit; nobody is less before the Creator; in it he rests his infinite justice; when you are in the womb of your earthly mother, begin being microscopic; nobody he is born large; neither you neither your planetary dwelling; the birth of the Land, he was like the birth of a baby; had to be cared for and watched; by the same that still they observe you; the flying saucers were the ones that guided the Land; these solar ships are of before that to be born the current suns; any human mind can calculate his antiquities; writing was that the divine Father does not have Principle neither end; you can add him: Because your science is so recent, that not yet can count neither the molecules that possesses your planet; and each molecule of your world, possesses an antiquity over the same planet; because the humble and microscopic, they are first in every order of things; exsist here a hierarchy in the time; and while more microbe is, older is; the microscopic thing maintains to the large thing; the explanation of this revelation it is in the composition of the cosmic elements; any human creature witnessed such thing; because the human creature is not the first one; neither in its planet, neither in the universe; before her there they were so many creatures, like the sands that contains a desert; something of it knows the human knowledge; what knows is very little; because thus asked it in the Kingdom of Heaven; being adjusted to the law that every spirit is tested in the life that chose; not only in its own events; but also in every search of the truth; that is to say, in every investigation of any order that he be; that is why every slope; slope forward sweat; nothing is given the human creature, if is not for own effort; because thus asked it in the Kingdom of Heaven; and thus him it was granted; the living birth of the Land or of any planet of the universe, complies the same law; the upper thing is equal to it of down; up are solar laws; down human laws; more, they have a same creative principle; and different demonstrations; is the expansive free will that takes various forms and infinite; an instant given in the time will arrive, that the Land will be finished; as happens with worlds already they aged; whose number in the most microscopic unit of time that can imagine, is like the grains that contains a desert; in which each grain of sand is a world; when the Land among to the epoch of world in agony, this will begin to be diminished and be breaking; an example we have it in the wrinkles of an elder; the same thing that an elder occurs, will occur to the Land in its final moments; will lose the cohesion; will become fragile; will not be able to bear weight; its gravity will go disappearing; its light will be opaque; to the degree of being become dark; ¡the end of your world, is like was at the beginning! will be again a gas; but cold; just as a corpse; the sun that now lights him, will become red; after passing for all the shades of the orange; beyond the red one, comes the black one; will be a sun with philosophy of dark; this last are laws of the solar parents; the to have lighted for centuries and centuries is only an instant in the life of the sun; will disappear your solar system, and your sun will continue, since nothing to past; will continue being for times upper skylight, to which employed in lighting to your planet Land; will be a sun that will expect celestial orders; in the macrocosm they exsist systems of suns that do not have the orbit of yours; of all there is in the flock of the Mister; those suns whose number is like the grains of sand of a desert, they have infinities geometric displacements; many travel through the universe; have missions as would have them a prophet in the Land; the upper thing is equal to it of down; yours first-born promised you to come to the world, brilliant like a sun of wisdom; the First-born are living suns; are the highest hierarchy in the solar Trinity; they replace the divine Father Jehovah, in remote worlds; its number is as the sands that contains a deserted; being is comparison, the most microscopic one than exsist; the original gas of your planet, lasted in its form a time infinitely over what carries your planet; I refer to the form sphere; I have here a divine revelation: your planet passed for a lot geometric forms; until arriving at the current one; began for point of fire and extended in form lineal; was alpha and finished in omega; was line and it finished in circle; and will finish again in line; the primitive gas acquired all the geometric forms; by virtue of its free will; was expanded and contracted; had molecules of fire; the process of materialization, was a process of calories; an unknown calorie in the human knowledge; I have here another divine revelation; the current water are the ashes of those unheard-of calories; the water did to the land; and the fire did to the water; and the fire was born of the drop that the Alpha sun left; the fire was first; the water was second; and the land was third; all this occurred in a moment; that is faster than your instants; an instant in those times, were not human instants; were celestial instants or solar; in that instant nobody knew, the future of that gas; only the Father and the Mother Solar Omega they knew it; just as a baby that not yet is born; themselves not his appearance is known; the upper thing is equal to it of down; along with the gas of your planet, there were infinities other; in a quantity such, like the sands of the desert; and still still in these same instants, the Alpha suns and Omega they continue creating drops; and they continue being born of them, gases of future planets; the Land will be finished, and still they will continue generating worlds; I have spoken you only of a pair of suns; without counting the other that also they generate; and whose number is also as the sands that contains a desert; this signifies that the living universe of the Father Jehovah, is expansive leaving since the same microbes; is expansive the invisible thing and the visible thing; this expansion constitutes the eternal movement; not exsist another; and if exsist another, this is relative and proportional to the science that created it; belonging to the same universe; is one of the sands of the desert; the movement continuous, is the all on the all; of the movement is born the matter; and there is not matter that have not been movement; every exsist in the universe; your ideas have movement; and although do not you create it, also noise; all breathes in the creation; and in the Breathing there is noise and movement; to the empty one breathes; contains an apparent nothing; and the nothing also breathes and causes noise; because is living; suffices to live and all the are possessed rights of the Father; what is of the Father, is also of the little son; and what possesses the son, the Father possesses it; this is: All they return and all returns to a same point; matter and spirit are a same thing; declared in the shape of universe; neither it one neither it another they have privilege; only the Father is unique; every world when finishes its time, is again what was before being world; is again cosmic element; returns loaded with an experience more; carried out in a distant planet; the experience of they to have known an unknown matter for him; one of the so many in the universe; and is prepared to do new alliances with unknown elements of the universe; new search experience; and is born again in another space, time and philosophy; in the middle of the infinite thinking expansive universe, are some almost unknown creatures, calls human spirits; or well monkeys of meat; because belong to the worlds of the meat; or planets dust; in the universe nobody knows all; neither never he will be known all; only the Father Jehovah, he knows it all; and he knows it, before that be born that all; the Land itself sees since distant distance as a grain of sand; and he finishes for disappearing; and he is not the unique one; they exsist so many planets lands, like grains of sand there is in a desert; the primitive gas of your world, is the same thing that now you contemplate; to had a development and still has it; this gas it is still solar fire fact matter; is a process in which they intervene unknown creatures by any human; these creatures govern the elements; without them do not there would be incarnation or materialization; neither of the matter neither of the spirit; the escence of these creatures is the living magnetism; are acquaintances in the Kingdom of Heaven, as the divine Cherubs; are so microscopic, that never you will see them; only when arrive solar father you it will be given to see them; one must be born in a quantity such of times, like the sands that contains a desert; I have here the cause of all the causes; it more microscopic than your mind can imagine, the divine cherub supports it; the history of them, is the history of the Father; because all it to created the Father; the cherubs were named in the writings; more, was not explained; they participate of all event in the universe; they are the Alpha one and the Omega of as much as exsist; and as such, they participated in the creation of the gas of the Land; they are the ones that renew the elements; direct them and they control them; not exsist molecule, in which they be not; this divine Revelation explains all the mysteries of the nature and of the universe; all is known with the time; and if was not known, is because you were as a token of life; with the arrival of the Final Judgment, the mystery to stops being mystery; returns law and passes to the normal order of the things; when arrives at this point, is born a new morale; that can be correct or incorrect; is correct when in the moments of mystery and of test, itself not the law of God is violated; and is incorrect when in the same moments of mystery and of test, the divine law is violated; the immorality causes it the man; never the celestial mandates; the man precipitated the man, in the to cry and to creak of teeth; because they were forgot of the morale of my Commandments; the living morale of God is in all the things; a microscopic violation of her, is sufficient for enter not to the Kingdom of Heaven; because there also results; my divine one morale is as expansive as the same universe; to the violator of her, they close all the doors in all the infinite; because is recognized for the divine cherubs; that everywhere they are; and as such, they read the mind; because they are in the mind; the most microscopic violation to the law, is translated in dark; and the spirit violator, receives the I try devil; and there is not medium term; not he can be served two gentlemen; or he is served to the light, to the morale of the Father, or he is served to the dark; the Creator to nobody begs; more, he causes sees him the light of his word; it gives opportunities and in silent form; and itself is not left to see; and all it sees; because is everywhere; the Doctrine of the Lamb of God, part of the principle that all you have completed, What you promised in the Kingdom of Heaven; of all the orders, the supreme order is to obey the morale of the divine Father; ¿did not do it? You worshipped to the Father that gave you the to be, second after second along your exsistences? because he was sent you: Besides all the things; because I will tell you that he suffices that you had untidy to think about your Creator a second one or less, and you are violator of the law; you will not enter to the Kingdom of Heaven; to many he will seem you that he is exaggerated; he is not it; because you same put this condition; and he was granted you; every order is granted; and every order complies in the Kingdom of Heaven; did this order, without knowing the Land; although many spirits had experiences of other planets lands; because of all there is in the flock of the Mister; did not you know the conditions that would find in the planet; because asked total oversight of yours passed; and was granted you; by something your earthly life, test of the terrestrial life is called; because every spirit is tested, upon being born again; you were in the Alpha sun, when this removed its drop of the one that is now the Land; saw in state of innocence as was born your future world; saw the divine solar preparations; saw the divine cherubs being materialized in the molecules of the terrestrial gas; saw the flying saucers in quantities such, that they overshadowed to the Alpha sun; you saw for screens of solar television, the traveled through of the drop of the future planet; more still; you same in your future one saw you exsistences; the divine Father all is able it; he materializes the facts before that these they be born; shows their own children, their future falls; and the children ignore such thing; they see it, but they do not have the experience of the same action; they need to test it; they need liking the salt of such experience; all the creatures generally, they see in the Kingdom of Heaven, their future acts; their future exsistences; and by virtue of their free wills, respond the solar parents, in search of instruction and knowledge; because the solar parents have lived more and they know more; this search of the knowledge, is infinite; because the spirits travel to the velocity of the ray; and they go of sun in sun; of paradise in paradise; and all the solar skylights, they attend them besides all the things; because they know that all humble and every boy as is it a human spirit, is large in the Kingdom of Heaven; and because that is pleasant to the divine Father; of these celestial trips, the spirits learn; and of this divine experience they have born all the legends; the upper thing is equal to it of down; and every genius is a tireless traveler; equal a revolutionary; the inventors they frequents a lot, the worlds-laboratories; and all disorderly and abandoned, likes to visit backward worlds; the rich they frequents the worlds of the illusion and of the easy things; are the most backward spirits; live only of a present; and itself they are annulled same; because do not enter to the Kingdom of Heaven; them excited they should seek the reality spiritual; the merit spiritual is not only in a present; that is microscopic; to enter to the Kingdom of Heaven, you must be born again and infinitely; as well as in the primitive gas of the Land, they continue being happened transformations, thus also the spirits happen itself in its exsistences; the to be born again is so much for the matter, as for the spirit; both have the same rights; of this knowledge splits all Justice; as in the Land this is ignored, is that its justice passes; I told it: The Land will pass; more, my words will not pass; because of them is born new doctrine; also I told him in other terms: Every tree that did not plant the Father of root will be started; I meant: That all that or those that created doctrines, sciences or religions, and they did not take into account the divine morale of my Commandments, the such they disappear of the human knowledge; is part of the Final Judgment; the term tree, signifies philosophy in the Kingdom of Heaven; the galaxies and the stars form families; with trunks and ramifications; is the free will of the aforesaid Solar Trinity in geometric forms; all is geometric; to the nothing and the morale they are geometric; being the morale and the matter in the geometric thing, that is why every creation contains morale; science and morale are inseparable; because in the eternal perfection both alternate; and do alliances in all the planetary philosophies of the universe; the an and the other they go knowing; and they do a single philosophy; all the worlds are uneven in their forms; more, they have morale inside his own laws; and all are equals before God; none is less; because all has created him the Father; the primitive gas of the Land, was not work of the same humanity; and nevertheless was created by living beings and with own morale; the creatures of the space are and will be moralists; because their feelings require to his spirits, to respect them; nobody is born without morale; because by the living morale he lives; the ideas of each one, they have the same influence of the morale that created the planet; each molecule of the idea, is mesmerized of solar microscopic lines; itself is not been born in the instant to be born, with any body; the body is product of the actions of the spirit; writing was that each one is done his own sky; when is been born in the suns, the spirits they have form of sparkplug; of white color; are energies in free state; think and they do not know reason they think; they live a dream that is at the same time life; are multitudes of sparkplugs that are born around the suns; I have here the Alpha and the Omega of the human creation; the sparkplug is line solar loaded with magnetism; the suns are the Omega and the support of what should come; Omega is the end of the principle; the human principle was and is a philosophy of tests; of uncertainties; of a momentary oversight of their past; all the past of the Earth, is only a moment or an instant in the Kingdom of Heaven; because in the macrocosm, queen the heavenly time; in which a heavenly second equals to a terrestrial century; this shows that the Land and their inhabitants, they are recently beginning; its microscopic expansion inside the same expansion of the universe, is only a point or a dust lost in the space; to weigh that the primitive gas of the Land, has as many centuries as sands contains a desert; and not to stops being a dust; a microscopic unknown world in the remainder of the universe; this solitude in the middle of a universe infinitely populated asked it the human creature and him it was granted; as also asked the to be visited by the flying saucers; and also him was granted; old these visits were more frequent; and at the beginning of the world, was a normal movement of ships; colossal ships crossed the gas of the Land; executing infinities laws; so that the gas was complemented; the influence of these ships, the world does not know them; arrived the hour that know it; late or early the things are known; including the mysterious things; the things of the spirit; and the things hidden facts by the men; nothing absolutely nothing remains hidden in a Final Judgment; because thus you asked it and thus will be granted you; and this will bring a repentance, as never saw the world; large prodigies will see; and the laws so such prodigies are governed, they are not of this world; are solar laws; that will move the molecules of the nature; ¡¡to cry and to creak of teeth world of the immorality expects you!! you will not enter to the Kingdom of Heaven; and is not the first time; after each exsistence in the planetary dwellings, a judgment comes; to each exsistence immoral, more make last forever your entrance to the kingdom; each second lived in any degree of immorality, equals to an exsistence of new tests; add the seconds of your exsistences immoral, and you will give you account, that costs expensive to be make fun of the laws of the Father; should add the seconds that contains a minute; an hour; a day; a month; a year; and every year that every immorality lasted; each second corresponds to the additive of your own actions; each second corresponds a sky less; and equals to be born again, in worlds in suffering; nothing imported you immoral of the world, the damage that you did to the others; many were lost for your causes; many imitated you; certainly the world will curse you and will take pity on you; ¡poor of those that never they studied me; only they dedicated the free time, to the fatuous things; to the illusion! because none will enter to the kingdom of the Father; never the badly grateful they have entered; of the category that be; because also there is badly thanked in the tests of the life; They receive abundance and they do not thank; none will enter my kingdom; you think that suffices a microscopic second or less than violation any and do not enter to the Kingdom of Heaven; that is why the to cry and to creak of teeth, is universal; the committed lacks begin since the twelve years; to the last sigh of life of your body; only the children are happy; that is why was said you: You leave that the children come to me; because of them It is the Kingdom of Heaven; was an advance of the events, in the Final Judgment; as well as you advance in science, thus also they advance the laws that were given you; before that to be born your world; the Revelation will extend for all the mass media; books, periodic, radio, television, movies; because in them is God; ¿was Not taught you that your Creator is everywhere? The ones that are amazed of this, are ignorant spirits; that never in the life worried of the mandates of the Mister; to weigh that they promised to comply the law; your world will be transformed; and will be the humble that transform him; not the large calls of the world and of the wealth; the such will be despised; writing was that the humble are the first; first in all him imagined; first in governing a planet With Trinity revealed; in truth, the world should always be governed by the humble; centuries for centuries, my writings come it saying: The humble they are the first in the Kingdom of Heaven; what less could do the human destiny, was that also they were first in the Land; because the to be first in the sky before the divine Father, includes all it exsistente; the blind world in it spiritual, was left to govern for the ambitious; by the rich; by the ones that never they will enter to the Kingdom of Heaven; by them excited in a present; by the ones that they were forgot, that themselves cannot be served two gentlemen; or is served to the gold, or is served to God; the to have accustomed to the comforts and illusions of these devils of the ambition, the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven costs you; if they do not enter to the kingdom, do neither they enter their followers; thus are enlarged the revolutionary; the ones that fight for the others; by the comfortable and the lackadaisical spirits; routine spirits that himself endeavor for nothing; by the ones that have been created a rock spiritual; truly I tell you, that is easier than among a revolutionary to the Kingdom of Heaven, that all a world that slept in the comfort; my Solar First-born Son Christ, was the first revolutionary; he being first in all to be able, he preferred to fight to the materialism Roman, with the Same human laws; he chose the difficulty and imperfection of your laws; won infinitely more before the Father; his divine celestial score, is solar additive; does not have equal in the human calculation; my divine son complied with the divine law of the Father: Will Win you the bread, with the sweat of your front; the easy things do not have merit in the Kingdom of Heaven; because there all they possess infinite powers; they are in a world of equality; more, they have not arrived at any limit; neither they will arrive never; many scholars of my writings, they have been asked through the centuries, the reason my First-born Son was left to conquer; reason was left to kill; the truth It is that preferred to please the Father; an attitude that should take your humanity, many centuries behind; ¿was not taught you that you should worship to your God and Mister besides all the things? By above all comfort? By above all illusion? Besides you same? Certainly that you knew it; but turned out to be more comfortable you to ignore it; this ignorance exit of your own will, does that none of you among to the Kingdom the Heaven; and to the ones that they worried intellectually of my writings, I ask them: You left to do it even a second in your exsistence? if thus was, you be sure that will not enter my kingdom; because the promise that did in the kingdom, covered all your life; since the first one to the last sigh of life; this was thus, because saw in the kingdom, like your Creator instilled puff of life to your own sighs; that did divine alliance with your spirit ._



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